Seba Teleflex LV Monitor Cable fault location system with monitoring Megger energy cables     ROM     ENG  
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Cable Fault Locators > SEBAKMT (50) > Seba Teleflex LV Monitor Cable fault location system with monitoring Megger


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Seba Teleflex LV Monitor Cable fault location system with monitoring Megger

Code: Seba-KMT Megger Teleflex-LV Monitor
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.8 Mb)

» Technical Specs

Teleflex LV Monitor

Cable-monitor and fault location system



  • Fault location on live low voltage cables
  • 3 phase cable monitor for a permanent check of current and voltage
  • GSM remote controlled system




The Telefl ex LV Monitor has been designed for the location

of all types of low voltage cable faults but especially the

diffi cult and troublesome intermittent faults. It can be

controlled locally from a portable PC by blue tooth or

remotely over a telephone channel (GSM).

Unlike portable available TDR fault locators, the Telefl ex LV

Monitor is connected simultaneously to all 3 phases of a

live LV cable to allow the local or remote operator to perform

TDR testing on any combination of phases. Power for

the Telefl ex LV Monitor is taken through the 3 phase test

lead and the unit requires at least 1 phase to be energised.

The Telefl ex LV Monitor includes a 4 channel transient

recorder (3 voltages and 1 current) which is used to

acquire information about the exact nature and behaviour

of inter-mittent faults. The signals acquired by the transient

recorder are also used to detect “trigger” conditions for the

TDR system based on voltage distortion and/or overcurrent.

Recordings from 2 units can be used for fault

location by transient travelling waves using a special synchronising


By providing total control from a remote location the Telefl

ex LV Monitor can be connected to a faulty cable by fi eld

staff who are not necessarily familiar with the analysis of

TDR waveforms - the expertise in adjustment and interpretation

being provided by a centrally located specialist. This

becomes particularly benefi cial when the equipment has to

be left on-site awaiting the (re)-occurrence of an intermittent



Salient features

  • TDR based three phase fault locating system
  • Location of permanent, transient and intermittent faults
  • Application on live low voltage cables
  • Three phase voltage monitor
  • Variable trigger conditions for voltage distortion and/or over current
  • Data storage for 20 events
  • Bluetooth and GSM remote control
  • Easy to use operation software
  • Safe connection with heavy duty fused test leads

» Standard included accessories

Scope of delivery

Telefl ex LV Monitor

3 phase fused test lead, CT clamp, GSM antenna

CD with Software and user manual


» Recommended Options, Services and Accessories



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Product: Seba Teleflex LV Monitor Cable fault location system with monitoring Megger energy cables