Seba KMT PD Surveyor Air Partial Discharge Detector for Medium Voltage Cables, Switchgear, Plants     ROM     ENG  
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Cable Fault Locators > SEBAKMT (50) > Seba KMT PD Surveyor Air Partial Discharge Detector for Medium Voltage Cables, Switchgear, Plants


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Seba KMT PD Surveyor Air Partial Discharge Detector for Medium Voltage Cables, Switchgear, Plants

Code: Seba-KMT PD-Surveyor-Air
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.24 Mb)

» Technical Specs

PD Surveyor Air

Handheld PD Surveying tool

for MV cable and plants

Benefi ts

  • Three PD sensor technologies in one device
  • Early detection of PD activity
  • Universal application - can be applied to
  • MV cables, MV switchgear & other types
  • of MV plants
  • Directs maintenance resources straight to
  • the problem areas
  • Easy to use




The PD Surveyor Air™ handheld PD surveying tool is the

“fi rst-line of defence” for the detection of PD activity in

medium voltage (MV) power cables and plants in the voltage

range from 6.6 kV to 45 kV. The robust test unit, incorporated

with a digital TEV dB display and external acoustic probes,

enables the user to carry out rapid, “look-see” insulation

condition testing through the unique combination of three

PD measurement technologies: HFCT, TEV and Airborne


The PD Surveyor Air™ handheld test unit meets the requirements

of both utility and industrial MV plant owners for a

simple, portable, and easy-to-use hand-held PD screening

device that can be used by all operational staff in the substation.

It is suitable for rapid PD ‘screening’ of MV metal-clad

switchgear, power cables, and other type of plants.

The PD Surveyor Air™ is recommended as a PD pre-screening

tool for the 100% monitoring of the network. It is useful as

a precursor for more in-depth diagnostic testing, which is only

carried out if and when required (i.e. PD is detected by the PD

Sur-veyor Air unit). A more in-depth diagnostic test could be

for instance Online Monitoring with the sebaKMT LPD Monitor

or Offl ine PD Diagnosis.

Optional accessories are available to improve both the

fl exibility and detection range of the PD Surveyor Air™ unit.

With help from the optional available out-door acoustic

parabolic receiver (incl. laser pointer) it is possible to detect

and locate surface and corona discharges on insulators or

outdoor terminations.


Optional accessories are available to improve both the

fl exibility and detection range of the PD Surveyor Air™ unit.

With help from the optional available out-door acoustic

parabolic receiver (incl. laser pointer) it is possible to detect

and locate surface and corona discharges on insulators or

outdoor terminations.



Handheld, pre-screening tool, suitable for on-line detection

of PD activity in MV cables and plants

Three PD sensor technologies combined in one device:

acoustic (AA), capacitive (TEV) and inductive (HFCT)

PD-measurements on MV-Cable with HFCT sensor

PD-measurements in metal-clad switchgear/ plant with

acoustic sensor and accurate digital TEV-dB measurements

Lightweight and portable device with an easy-to-understand,

7-level, colour-coded PD display.

Test time per cable/plant item 10 … 30 sec.

» Standard included accessories

Scope of delivery

 PD Surveyor Air

 HFCT 100/50 sensor and 100 kHz fi lter

 Standard headphones

 Battery charger/ Connection cables

 Soft carry case

 Operating manual

» Recommended Options, Services and Accessories


Indoor acoustic probe

Outdoor acoustic parabolic receiver

Peltor PPE headphones (hard hat suitable)

Accessories carry case


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Product: Seba KMT PD Surveyor Air Partial Discharge Detector for Medium Voltage Cables, Switchgear, Plants