Seba KMT LPD Monitor On-line PD Partial Discharge Monitoring System for MV and HV medium high voltage     ROM     ENG  
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Cable Fault Locators > SEBAKMT (50) > Seba KMT LPD Monitor On-line PD Partial Discharge Monitoring System for MV and HV


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Seba KMT LPD Monitor On-line PD Partial Discharge Monitoring System for MV and HV

Code: Seba-KMT LPD-Monitor
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.3 Mb)

» Technical Specs


  Portable online PD measuring system for monitoring MV and HV systems

  16 channels

  Allows effi cient forward planning of  necessary maintenance work

  Quick and easy to install

  Integrated automatic knowledge-based evaluation of measured PD levels

  Current status can be viewed at any time  via remote access



The LPD (live partial discharge) Monitor can be used for temporary

or constant monitoring of partial discharge on medium- and highvoltage

systems andcables  up to a rated voltage of 66 kV.

With its 16 input channels, the lightweight LPD Monitor is an ideal,

portable system for a fast check of critical PD within cables or their


Even a quick test can provide useful information on the condition of

the cable as a basis for identifying the required maintenance work,

such as a comprehensive offline PD diagnosis.

The PD signals are recorded using inductive (HFCT) and/or capacitive

(TEV) sensors. The inductive sensors are placed directly around the

insulated conductor or the cable sheath. The capacitive sensors can

be easily attached to metal parts of the switchgear using a magnetic


Depending on the number of sensors, the signals from each sensor

are recorded at set intervals (every 1 to 20 minutes). These readings

are immediately analysed by the integrated software. The signals are

categorised either as a “local PD” or a “cable PD”. The measured

level is compared to the values stored in a database and then assigned

to one of four possible assessment categories.

PD activity rated as“critical” automatically generates an alarm


The user can check the current readings and the progress of the

PD activity at any time via remote access.

» Standard included accessories

Scope of delivery

 LPD Monitor

 6 inductive sensors (HFCT 100/50)

 2 capacitive sensors (TEV)

 Set of coaxial cables (2×5 m, 4×10 m and 2×15 m)

 Accessory bag


» Recommended Options, Services and Accessories


 Set of additional sensors (6 x HFCT 100/50, 2 x TEV)

 Different-sized HFCT sensors (ask SebaKMT for details)

 Flat coaxial cables for enclosed switchgears



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Product: Seba KMT LPD Monitor On-line PD Partial Discharge Monitoring System for MV and HV medium high voltage