Schlöder Voltage Interruption Simulator VIS 1700     ROM     ENG  
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Schlöder Voltage Interruption Simulator VIS 1700

Code: Schlöder VIS 1700
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.56 Mb)

» Technical Specs

The power fail simulator VIS 1700 is suitable to test voltage dips and fluctuations on the supply systems (AC and DC). The AC tests are defined in the IEC / EN 61000-4-11 and the DC tests in the IEC / EN 61000-4-29


  • Short interruptions 100%: - AC and DC
    The supply network of the EUT can be interrupted in any phase position for a defined time
  • Voltage dips - phase relation
    Voltage drops on 40%, 70% or 80% of rated voltage can also be simulated at a given phase angle and time X. This test requires a second power source that meets a step transformer of sufficient capacity - see option VIS 740.
  • Voltage fluctuation - AC and DC
    Supply voltage fluctuations are typically carried out in a "ramp function". The VIS 1700 realized this in both AC and DC. The "fall time", the test time and "recovery time" can be set individually. Connecting a second voltage source is not required.
  • Inrush current measurement
    This special function allows a quick and easy way to determine the inrush current of the device under test (DUT) with respect to phase. It should be set only two values - phase angle and break time. After pressing the start button the voltage of the DUT is interrupted and switched on at the set phase angle again. The peak value of the inrush current is shown in the display, but can also be shown via an oscillograph. 


  • AC/DC - Interruptions - dips, max. 280V / 360V
  • IEC 61000-4-11 and IEC 61000-4-29
  • Automatic AC + DC ramp function
  • Inrush current measurement, phase-synchron



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Product: Schlöder Voltage Interruption Simulator VIS 1700