Precision Triple Power Supply Hameg HM7042-5 liniar laboratory bench     ROM     ENG  
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Precision Triple Power Supply Hameg HM7042-5

Code: Hameg HM7042-5
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.18 Mb)

» Technical Specs

  • 2 x 0…32V/0…2A 1 x 0…5.5V/0…5A 
  • High-Performance and inexpensive Laboratory Power Supply 
  • Floating, overload and short-circuit proof Outputs 
  • Separate Voltage and Current Displays for each Output, 4 Digits at Channel 1+3; 3 Digits at Channel 2 
  • Display Resolution: 10mV/1mA at Channel 1+3; 10mV/10mA at Channel 2 
  • Protection of sensitive Loads by Current Limit or Electronic Fuse 
  • Pushbutton for Activating/Deactivating all Outputs 
  • Low Residual Ripple, high Output Power, very good Regulation 
  • Parallel (up to 9A) and Series (up to 69.5V) Operation 
  • Temperature-controlled Fan

» Standard included accessories

  • Operator’s Manual
  • power cable

» Recommended Options, Services and Accessories

  • HZ10S/R (17-0010-000S/R) Silicone test lead
  • HZ42 (27-0042-0000) 19’’ Rackmount Kit 2RU

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Product: Precision Triple Power Supply Hameg HM7042-5 liniar laboratory bench