Medical Scopemeter Digital Portable 200 MHz Fluke Biomedical 199XRAY oscilloscope scope multimeter     ROM     ENG  
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Medical Scopemeter Digital Portable 200 MHz Fluke Biomedical 199XRAY

Code: Fluke Biomedical 199XRAY
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.68 Mb)

» Technical Specs

  • Dual input – 200, 100 or 60 MHz bandwidth
  • Up to 2.5 GS/s real-time sampling per input
  • Connect-and-View™ automatic triggering and a full range of manual trigger modes
  • Digital Persistence for analyzing complex dynamic waveforms, similar to an analog scope
  • Fast-display update rate for seeing dynamic behavior instantaneously
  • Automatic capture and replay of 100 screens
  • 27,500 points-per-input record length using ScopeRecord mode
  • TrendPlot paperless chart recorder for trend analysis up to 22 days
  • Up to 1,000 V independently floating isolated inputs
  • Waveform reference for visual comparisons and automatic pass/fail testing of waveforms
  • Vpwm function for motor drive and frequency inverter applications
  • 1000 V CAT II and 600 V CAT III safety certified
  • Four-hours-rechargeable NiMH battery pack


  • ScopeMeter displays kVp wave forms and direct kVp values simultaneously on an easy-to-read screen
  • No more time spent calculating scope traces to derive kVp values
  • Full medical oscilloscope scope functionality with color display
  • ScopeMeter triggers on standard interlaced and high-resolution, non-interlaced video systems. Triggers on all lines non-selectively or select an individual video line — up to 2800 lines per frame
  • mAs measurement calculates current over time
  • Smart averaging capabilities
  • Extended vertical offset
  • Selectable persistence mode
  • Extended video triggering
  • FlukeView® for Windows® for documenting, enhancing, waveform analysis, and archiving results


mAs measurement calculates current over time
Using the cursors, you can now measure directly the amount of radiation produced by x-ray systems, or the total amount of charge applied to a system.

Smart averaging
Smart averaging gives the averaged waveform over successive acquisitions, reducing noise in the displayed waveform. Thanks to smart averaging, you can now also see an incidental curve of a different wave shape with no effect on the averaged curve. This allows you to see the averaged curve of a sequence of video lines, for example, while still seeing the incidental flyback line flash by. The oscilloscope gives an immediate response when the signal makes large changes.
Extended offset
Vertical offset is now extended to a maximum of 16 divisions, allowing vertical zoom-in for study of small details of the signal.
Selectable persistence
Persistence mode with selectable decay time helps to find anomalies in the wave shape and optimizes the display for color information when working with composite color video.
Extended video triggering
Along with its triggering capability for standard, interlaced TV signals, the instrument also triggers on high-resolution, non-interlaced video systems. The ScopeMeter 199XRAY will trigger on all lines (nonselective), or can select an individual video line from systems with up to 2800 lines per frame.
FlukeView® forWindows®
  • Documenting: Transfer waveforms, screens, and measurement data from the ScopeMeter to a PC. Print or import the data into your report.
  • Enhancing: Add user text to individual ScopeMeter settings, providing guidance to the operator when recalling a setup.
  • Archiving: Create a library of waveforms with your comments for easy reference and comparison. Store complete replay cycles for analysis of waveform changes. Store complete memory content of the ScopeMeter on your PC for backup purposes.
  • Waveform Comparison: Store reference waveforms, add operator instructions, and send both to the ScopeMeter for waveform comparison and “Pass/Fail” testing.
  • Analysis: Use cursors, perform spectrum analysis, or export data to other analysis programs.

» Standard included accessories

199XRAY: Medical ScopeMeter 200 MHz bandwidth with kVp capabilities [includes the MA190 Medical ScopeMeter Accessory Kit: FlukeView® for Windows® software, 50 ohm BNC feed-through terminator, 50 ohm BNC terminator with 10:1 signal attenuation, 1 ohm current shunt for current measurements, safety-designed BNC cable (1.5 m/5 ft), insulated BNC (f) to 4 mm banana plug adapter, dual 4 mm banana receptacles (1 red, 1 black)]

» Recommended Options, Services and Accessories



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Product: Medical Scopemeter Digital Portable 200 MHz Fluke Biomedical 199XRAY oscilloscope scope multimeter