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Integrated EUT Monitoring System TDK EUT-TS

 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.15 Mb)

» Technical Specs

EUT Monitoring System Overview

EUT Monitoring, Analysis, Data Recording
The TDK RF Solutions EUT (Equipment Under Test) Monitoring System combines monitoring instrumentation, video and audio equipment, and software to provide EUT signal monitoring (analog and digital), EUT stimulation, and monitoring for visual or audio interference during testing. Unlike other systems, TDK RF Solutions EUT Monitoring System analyzes data for interference or failure conditions during the test, and records test data for retrieval after the test is complete.

Full Synchronization The EUT Monitoring System is designed as a stand-alone system that communicates with the main test system through our EUT Monitoring and test software. Through this link, the EUT Monitoring System is fully synchronized with your test system, so monitoring is enabled only after the test level is established with the main test system. This unique feature means that all parameters are captured by the EUT Monitoring System, which enables you to precisely recreate interference or failure points to resolve compatibility issues monitored during testing.

We Meet Your Standards® The EUT Monitoring System is configured specifically to meet your test requirements and preferences. In addition to standard applications, it can be configured for specialized requirements such as audio breakthrough required by mobile radio standards, ABS/TCS testing required in automotive test standards, and other product-specific EUT monitoring requirements. Whichever options you choose, you get a seamless interface with your main test system and complete control of the EUT Monitoring System from the control room console.

System Components 

A typical EUT Monitoring System may include:

EUT Stimulation and Monitoring Instruments selected to cover applicable specifications and meet your price/performance requirements.

Video Monitoring System using shielded color cameras to visually monitor equipment under test.

An Audio Monitoring System which can be supplied as a stand-alone solution or built into the video camera system.

A System Controller with Application Software that offers state-of-the-art power to control monitoring equipment and to process and store data, graphics, and results of series measurements.

System Cabling and Switching to connect the control room with the chamber and/or shielded room to allow test engineers complete control of the EUT monitoring system from the desktop.

Fiber Optic Links for analog and digital signal monitoring.

Flexibility and Scalability We pay special attention to the ability to upgrade a system in the future to handle changes in the test standards. By selecting and designing products that can be adapted to new requirements, we help you stay current as new technologies are adopted and new standards are introduced.

EUT Monitoring System Features

  • Best-in-Class Test Instruments
  • Fully Integrated Hardware and Software
  • Remote Control of Cameras
  • Automated and Manual Monitoring
  • Ergonomically Designed Test Consoles and Racks
  • Seamless Interface with EMI-TS and EMS-TS Test Systems
  • Quality Workmanship
  • On-Site Training
  • Full Warranty

Standard Applications

  • EUT Signal Monitoring, Analysis, and Display
  • Video Monitoring, Analysis, Capture, and Recording
  • Audio Monitoring, Analysis, and Recording

Specialized Applications

  • Audio Breakthrough
  • Unintentional Transmissions
  • ABS Testing
  • TCS Testing




EMI Test System Overview

Integrated System Design The TDK RF Solutions EMI Test Systems integrate test instrumentation, system controls, positioning devices, and software to test specific products or subsystems for electromagnetic emissions according to international, R&D, and manufacturer-specific standards. Our EMI Test Systems are designed to perform automated, semi-automated, and manual emissions measurements in an anechoic chamber, shielded room, OATS, or test cell.

We Meet Your Standards® TDK RF Solutions designs each system specifically to a customer's product testing requirements, so you receive the exact system solution you need, without unnecessary components and costs associated with off-the-shelf, "one size fits all" test systems. Whether you need to cover basic, generic, product family, and/or product specific standards, the basis of our system design is the standards that are applicable to your products. We combine these requirements with our proven skills in system design, installation, and our extensive experience with dozens of test instrument suppliers. The result is a complete system solution that is ready for use from day one.

Turnkey Test System

A turnkey EMI Test System from TDK RF Solutions is designed to be a complete solution to satisfy product testing requirements. A typical system includes:

EMI test instrumentation selected to cover applicable frequencies and meet your price/performance requirements.

Antennas/LISNs/Clamps selected to match both test standards and test facility capabilities.

Measurement Accessories such as switching and positioning devices that simplify control and increase efficiency.

An EMI Main Control Console with instruments and system controls strategically placed to provide test engineers easy access to all functions, and a comfortable, ergonomically-correct work environment.

A System Controller with Application Software that offers state-of-the-art power to perform emissions tests from pre-scan to final measurements and to control multiple EMI analyzers and receivers.

Proven Solutions Our test system developments are based on proven solutions already in place in Europe, North America, and Asia. Instead of an off-the-shelf approach to design, each new system incorporates the latest technologies to explicitly cover the standards that apply to your products. This gives you accurate, repeatable measurements and minimizes demands on your limited resources.

Your Vision. Our Mission. Our design goals are the same as your testing goals – simplify test procedures, generate accurate results, maximize productivity of limited personnel resources, accelerate time to market. No matter what your needs are, we can turn your vision into reality with a turnkey system optimized with the best selection of instrumentation, quality workmanship, and a comprehensive warranty. Call TDK RF Solutions today with your requirements. We will meet your standards.

EMI Test System Features

  • Best-in-Class Test Instruments
  • Fully Integrated Hardware and Software
  • Remote Control of Switches, Positioning Devices, and LISNs
  • Automated, Semi-automated, and Manual Testing
  • Ergonomically Designed Test Consoles and Racks
  • High Quality System Cabling and Connectors
  • Quality Workmanship
  • On-Site Training
  • Comprehensive Warranty

EMI Test System Applications

  • Commercial and industrial products
  • Automotive whole vehicle, automotive components
  • Telecommunications, mobile radio, base station, network equipment
  • MIL-STD, Aerospace
  • Special categories

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Product: Integrated EUT Monitoring System TDK EUT-TS