Electronic Precision Pressure Calibrator LR-Cal LPC 200 calibrating certificate

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Pressure Calibrators > LR-CAL (4) > Electronic Precision Pressure Calibrator LR-Cal LPC 200


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Electronic Precision Pressure Calibrator LR-Cal LPC 200

Code: LR-Cal LPC 200
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.17 Mb)

» Technical Specs

  • Very simple operation, easily-read display (backlighting selectable)
  • Changeable reference sensors (plug & play)
  • this means, up to 10 pressure ranges with one instrument
  • Ranges from 0...5.8 psi (400 mbar) up to 0...87000 psi (6000 bar)
  • (also vacuum-, compound- and absolute pressure ranges)
  • Accuracy up to 1000 bar: ±0.025% f.s.; up to 6000 bar: ±0.1% f.s.
  • Logging function, pressure rate, min-/max value, Bargraph, Tare
  • Issue calibration certificates with optional
  • PC-Windows®-software LPC-Cal
  • Pressure calibration kit’s, complete with calibration hand pumps as portable pressure source
  • Chargeable Lithium-Ion battery, incl. Charger, USB-interface
  • Switchable pressure unit PSI, bar, mbar, kPa, mmHg, inHg 
Together with a suitable calibration pressure source like the calibration hand pumps LPP 30

(pneumatic) or LPP 700 / LPP 1000 (hydraulic), the LPC 200 offers a pecision pressure

calibration system, suitable also for use on site, portable. The LPC 200 also opens up other helpful applications, e.g. recording of pressure curves(logging function), leak testing (pressure ratefunction). These useful functions can be easily activated or deactivated by pressing the respective keys.

A factory calibration certificate for each reference sensor certifies the total uncertainty of the measuring chain.

Alternatively, on request, a DKD calibration certificate can be supplied.


Using the optional LPC-Cal software, the logged data, stored in the LPC 200, can be

transferred to a PC via a USB connection, where it can be stored in an Excel® file for

documentation and further evaluation. In addition, LPC-Cal offers the possibility of PCsupported

calibration of pressure measuring instruments using the LPC 200.


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Product: Electronic Precision Pressure Calibrator LR-Cal LPC 200 calibrating certificate