Digital Oscilloscopes 2/4ch. 150/250/350/500MHz Instek GDS-3000 GDS-3152 GDS-3154 GDS-3252 GDS-3254 GDS-3352 GDS-3354 GDS-3502 GDS-3504     ROM     ENG  
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Oscilloscopes > GW INSTEK (16) > Digital Oscilloscopes 2/4ch. 150/250/350/500MHz Instek GDS-3000


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Digital Oscilloscopes 2/4ch. 150/250/350/500MHz Instek GDS-3000

Code: Gw Instek GDS-3152 GDS-3154 GDS-3252 GDS-3254 GDS-3352 GDS-3354 GDS-3502 GDS-3504
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 7.98 Mb)

» Technical Specs

GDS-3152  150MHz, 2 channel, 2.5GSa/s

GDS-3154  150MHz, 4 channel, 5GSa/s

GDS-3252  250MHz, 2 channel, 2.5GSa/s

GDS-3254  250MHz, 4 channel, 5GSa/s

GDS-3352  350MHz, 2 channel, 5GSa/s

GDS-3354  350MHz, 4 channel, 5GSa/s

GDS-3502  500MHz , 2 channel,  4GSa/s

GDS-3504  500MHz , 4  Channel ,  4GSa/s
  • 500/350/250/150MHz with 2/4 Channels
  • 5GSa/s RT or 100GSa/s ET Sampling Rate
  • Independent Memory for Each Channel
  • VPO Technology
  • Large 8-inch 800x600 Display
  • Split Screen Function
  • 3 Built-in Impedances (50Ω/75Ω/1MΩ)
  • Power Analysis Software (Optional)
  • Serial Bus Analysis Software for I2C, SPI and UART (Optional)

 A Hi-tech DSO Platform
    The GDS-3000 Series is a new platform of 4-input channels, 500MHz bandwidth, 5GSa/s sampling rate, and VPO waveform display. The split screen feature has been designed to meet the requirements of multi-window & multi-signal tests in the research and the manufacturing fields. The optional power analysis software and the optional serial bus analysis software are available to facilitate the engineer's tasks in testing and manufacturing of the associated products.
    Three new differential probes, GDP-025, GDP-050 & GDP-100, and two new current probes, GCP-005 ,GCP-020 ,GCP-100 and GCP-530 & GCP-1030, are coming along with the GDS-3000 Series to provide total solutions for a wide variety of applications in the industry, service and education market sectors. The GDS-3000 Series, a high-tech platform carrying thoughtful features, brings very high customer value to both general purpose market and professional market.

» Standard included accessories

User manual *1, Power code *1,

GTP-151R: 150MHz(10:1) passive probe for GDS-3152/ 3154 (per channel)

GTP-251R: 250MHz(10:1) passive probe for GDS-3252/ 3254 (per channel)

GTP-351R: 350MHz(10:1) passive probe for GDS-3352/ 3354 (per channel)

GTP-501R: 500MHz(10:1) passive probe for GDS-3502/ 3504 (per channel)

» Recommended Options, Services and Accessories



GPIB to USB adapter


Serial bus analysis software I2C / SPI/ UART (for 4 channel modelonly)


Power analysis software: Power quality/Harmonic/Ripple/In-rush current measurement



Optional Accessories:


Instrument cart450(W) x 430(D)mm (120V input socket)


Instrument cart 330(W) x 430(D)mm (120V input scoket)


Test lead, BNC to BNC connector


RS-232C cable, 9-pin female to 9-pin female, Null Modem for computer


USB 1.1 cable, A-B type cable 4P, 1800mm


35MHz 1:1 passive probe


350MHz(20:1) passive probe

Differential Probe

GDP-025: 25MHz high voltage differential probe
GDP-050: 50MHz 25MHz high voltage differential probe
GDP-100: 100MHz 25MHz high voltage differential probe

Current Probe

GCP-020 :10KHz/200A current probe

GCP-100 :100KHz/100A current probe

GCP-530: 50MHz/ 30A current probe
GCP-1030: 100MHz/ 30A current probe
GCP-206P: power supply for current probe (2 input channels)
GCP-425P: power supply for current probe (4 input channels)



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Product: Digital Oscilloscopes 2/4ch. 150/250/350/500MHz Instek GDS-3000 GDS-3152 GDS-3154 GDS-3252 GDS-3254 GDS-3352 GDS-3354 GDS-3502 GDS-3504