Digital Oscilloscope 4 x 1GHz & Logic Analyzer 16 channels Agilent MSO7104B Osciloscopes Mixed signal MSO Scope price for sale prices cost     ROM     ENG  
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Oscilloscopes > Agilent 7000B 100MHz-1GHz (14) > Digital Oscilloscope 4 x 1GHz & Logic Analyzer 16 channels Agilent MSO7104B


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Digital Oscilloscope 4 x 1GHz & Logic Analyzer 16 channels Agilent MSO7104B

Code: Agilent Infiniivision MSO7104B
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 2.16 Mb)

» Technical Specs

  • 1 GHz bandwidth; 4 GSa/s sample rate
  • 4 analog plus 16 digital channels
  • Standard 8 Mpts MegaZoom III deep memory
  • Automatic Search and Navigate
  • 12.1” XGA display with 256 intensity levels shows subtle signal detail
  • Industry’s-fastest uncompromised update rate of up to 100,000 waveforms/sec displays infrequent events
  • Segmented memory
  • Mask Testing
  • Serial decode including: I2C, SPI, CAN, LIN, FlexRay, RS-232/UART, I2S, and MIL-STD 1553
  • MATLAB® software available directly from Agilent for making your own custom measurement and analysis routines, user-defined filters, or instrument applications

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Product: Digital Oscilloscope 4 x 1GHz & Logic Analyzer 16 channels Agilent MSO7104B Osciloscopes Mixed signal MSO Scope price for sale prices cost