Digital Oscilloscope 2ch. 70/100/150MHz Instek GDS-1000A-U GDS-1152A-U GDS-1102A-U GDS-1072A-U     ROM     ENG  
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Oscilloscopes > GW INSTEK (16) > Digital Oscilloscope 2ch. 70/100/150MHz Instek GDS-1000A-U


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Digital Oscilloscope 2ch. 70/100/150MHz Instek GDS-1000A-U

Code: Gw Instek GDS-1152A-U GDS-1102A-U GDS-1072A-U
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 3.72 Mb)

» Technical Specs

GDS-1152A-U  150MHz, 2 channel color LCD display DSO
GDS-1102A-U  100MHz, 2 channel color LCD display DSO
GDS-1072A-U  70MHz, 2 channel color LCD display DSO
  • 150/100/70MHz Bandwidths
    1GSa/s Real-Time Sample Rates Maximum, 25GSa/s Equivalent-Time
    2Mega Points Record Length
    2mV~10V Vertical Scale
    1ns~50s Horizontal Range
    Up to 27 Automatic Measurements
    5.7" TFT LCD Display
    USB Host and Device Interface Supported
    Go/NoGo Function
    Data Logger
    Limited Lifetime Warranty


The GDS-1000A-U series provide a unique solution. The GDS-1000A-U lineup includes GDS-1152A-U, GDS-1102A-U and GDS-1072A-U three models. Operating at 150, 100 or 70 MHz with a real-time sampling rate of 1GSa/s, the GDS-1000A-U employs MemoryPrime technology . Using MemoryPrime technology, the GDS-1000A-U is able to overcome the problems associated with memory constraints. High sample rates, rarely found in traditional DSOs, can be maintained over longer periods of time, without effecting performance.

Coupled with the high resolution 5.7” color TFT display,  with user-friendly interface USB device and host port  make the GDS-1000A-U series feature-rich. 


» Standard included accessories

User manual x 1, Power Cord x 1 
Probe GTP-070A-4 or equivalent :   70MHz (10:1/1:1) Switchable passive probe for GDS-1072A-U (one per channel)
Probe GTP-100A-4 or equivalent : 100MHz (10:1/1:1) Switchable passive probe for GDS-1102A-U (one per channel)
Probe GTP-150A-2 or equivalent : 150MHz (10:1/1:1) Switchable passive probe for GDS-1152A-U (one per channel)


» Recommended Options, Services and Accessories

Optional Accessories
GSC-006  Soft carrying case
GTL-110  Test lead, BNC-BNC heads
GTL-242  USB 2.0 A-B type cable



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Product: Digital Oscilloscope 2ch. 70/100/150MHz Instek GDS-1000A-U GDS-1152A-U GDS-1102A-U GDS-1072A-U