Agilent U2701A USB Modular Oscilloscope 2 x 100 MHz PC based scope Virtual for PC laptop Pico Pocket low cost cheap for sale price car     ROM     ENG  
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Oscilloscopes > Rohde & Schwarz (16) > Agilent U2701A USB Modular Oscilloscope 2 x 100 MHz


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Agilent U2701A USB Modular Oscilloscope 2 x 100 MHz

Code: Agilent U2701A
Price: 1089.00

» Technical Specs

  • 100 MHz bandwidth
  • 2 channels
  • 32 Mpts memory depth, 64 Mpts interleaved single-shot
  • 1 GSa/s sample rate on 2 channels interleaved, 500 MSa/s each channel
  • Hi-Speed USB 2.0, USBTMC-USB488 standard (Compatible with Microsoft Windows operating systems only)
  • Waveform Zoom and Maths Function
  • 26 pre-build automatic measurement
  • FFT including max peak search
  • Advance Triggering including edge, pulse width and line selectable video

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Product: Agilent U2701A USB Modular Oscilloscope 2 x 100 MHz PC based scope Virtual for PC laptop Pico Pocket low cost cheap for sale price car