Agilent 16804A Portable Logic Analyzer 136 channels logic analyzer oscilloscope, logical analyzer, logic analysers, pc based logic analyzer, logic pulser, spi analyzer, waveform analyzer     ROM     ENG  
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Logic Analyzers > KEYSIGHT (9) > Agilent 16804A Portable Logic Analyzer 136 channels


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Agilent 16804A Portable Logic Analyzer 136 channels

Code: Agilent 16804A
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 1.09 Mb)

» Technical Specs

  • 136-channel portable logic analyzer
  • 4 GHz (250 ps) timing zoom with 64 K memory
  • 1.0 GHz / 500 MHz (half / full-channel) conventional timing with deep memory
  • 500 MHz transitional timing
  • up to 450 MHz State clock rates
  • up to 500 Mb/s Data rates
  • up to 32 M acquisition memory depth
  • 15-inch (38.1 cm) color display with touch screen available(option 103)
  • Comprehensive single-ended signal support, threshold is adjustable in -5 V to 5 V (10 mV increments)
  • Automated threshold/sample position setup for accurate measurements on high-speed buses
  • Simultaneous eye diagrams on all channels identify problem signals quickly
  • Selectable memory depths: 1 M, 4 M, 16 M, 32 M

» Recommended Options, Services and Accessories


Service Manual


Front Panel with 15 inch display and touchscreen


External removable hard drive for 16800 series logic analyzers


Standard 1 M acquisition memory depth


Increase acquisition memory depth to 4M


Increase acquisition memory depth to 16M


Increase acquisition memory depth to 32M


Increase maximum state speed to 500 Mb/s


ANSI Z540 Compliant Calibration


Probe, 34 channel single-ended Mictor connector, connects to 40-pin LA cable


Probe, 17-channel single-ended flying leads, connects to 40-pin LA cable


Probe, 34 channel single-ended Samtec connector, connects to 40-pin LA cable


Probe, 34 channel single-ended soft touch connectorless, connects to 40-pin LA cable


Retention Module


Probe, 17 channel single-ended soft touch connectorless, connects to 40-pin LA cable


Retention Modules


Kit of 5 retention modules for Pro Series Soft Touch Connectorless Probes


Probe, 34 channel, soft touch pro, single-ended, connects to 40-pin LA cable


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Product: Agilent 16804A Portable Logic Analyzer 136 channels logic analyzer oscilloscope, logical analyzer, logic analysers, pc based logic analyzer, logic pulser, spi analyzer, waveform analyzer digital signal analyzer, logik analyser, logik analysator, probes, logic probe, logic analysis, tutorial, sotfware, pci logic analyzer, fpga logic analyzer, i2c, logikanalysator, logic signal analyzer, parallel port logic analyzer, price, cost, review, what is, basics, low cost, manufacturers, virtual logic analyser, i2c bus protocol, spi, digital logic circuits, module, mictor, portable