Advanced Detection Meter for Alpha, Beta, Gamma, X-Ray Radiation Fluke Biomedical ASM-990 detection monitor measure     ROM     ENG  
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Environment Testers > FLUKE (28) > Advanced Detection Meter for Alpha, Beta, Gamma, X-Ray Radiation Fluke Biomedical ASM-990


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Advanced Detection Meter for Alpha, Beta, Gamma, X-Ray Radiation Fluke Biomedical ASM-990

Code: Fluke Biomedical ASM-990
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.23 Mb)
Fluke Biomedical Radiation Monitors Fluke Biomedical Radiation Monitors (*.PDF - 1.69 Mb)

» Technical Specs

The ASM-990 series can detect alpha, beta, gamma, or x-ray radiation within an operating range of 1 µR/hr to 1 R/hr (1 to 5,000,000 CPM), depending on the selected probe (Geiger-Mueller, neutron, proportional counter, scintillation). With the proper probe combination, this meter can be used as a general survey meter, an area monitor, a wipe test counter, and a contamination monitor.

Designed to meet the high technology requirements of health physics, medical physics, and nondestructive testing applications, the ASM-990 Series is well-suited for a wide range of end users, including: Radiation safety officers (RSO), nuclear medicine laboratories, diagnostic x-ray and hospital emergency room technicians, environmental health physicists, and emergency responders.


The units, with purchased probe, are shipped calibrated, ready-to-use, and include a MHV connector to ensure compatibility with all Fluke Biomedical probes. The 992 includes a fully calibrated internal energy compensated 1 R/hr GM detector. The 993 features a fully calibrated internal pancake detector as well as an internal energy compensated 1 R/hr GM detector.


  • Auto-scaling measurement of rate and dose simultaneously, with the capability to record peak rate
  • Up to [5] different probes can be calibrated with one unit
  • Survey Mode data logging feature allows user to store up to 5 separate survey sequences
  • Saved data can be uploaded to a PC via included Infrared Data (IrDA) transmitter
  • Easy-to-use multifunction keypad for intuitive menu navigation
  • Backlit analog/digital LCD display with full-range audio output capability
  • Barcode scanner (optional)
  • Auto Power-Down feature extends battery life

» Standard included accessories

Model Name



Advanced survey meter


Advanced survey meter with Barcode reader


Advanced survey meter with internal energy compensated 1 R/hr GM detector


Advanced survey meter with Barcode reader and Internal energy compensated 1/Rhr GM detector


Advanced survey meter with Internal energy compensated 1/Rhr GM detector and internal pancake detector


Advanced survey meter with Internal energy compensated 1/Rhr GM detector Internal pancake detector and barcode reader


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Product: Advanced Detection Meter for Alpha, Beta, Gamma, X-Ray Radiation Fluke Biomedical ASM-990 detection monitor measure