VANGUARD circuit breaker anlayzers time contact resistance testers meters timing timers     ROM     ENG  
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Circuit Breaker Analyzers > VANGUARD


Digital Breaker Analyzer for contact & switch timing Vanguard CT-3500

• Dry-contact inputs: 3 channels
• Trigger input voltage open/close: 30 ¬ 300 V, DC or peak AC
• Breaker operations: Open, Close, Open-Close, Close-Open
• Timing resolution: ±0.1 millisecond
• Detect Main & Insertion Resistor Contacts on same input
• USB computer interface
• Built-in 2.5" wide Thermal Printer

Digital Breaker Analyzer for contact & switch timing Vanguard CT-7000

• dry-contact inputs: 3 channels (9021-UC) or 6 channels (9100-UC)
• timing windows: 1 second, 10 seconds, or 20 seconds
• timing resolutions ±50 micro-seconds @ 1 sec. duration, ±500 micro-seconds @ 10 sec. duration, ±1.0 milli-seconds @ 20 sec. duration
• breaker operations: Initiate Open, Close, Open-Close, Close-Open, Open-Close-Open
• Fully analyze circuit breaker's performance
• measuring main contact and resistor contact time, stroke, velocity, over-travel, bounce back and contact wipes
• USB computer interface
• USB Flash drive interface (Flash drive not included)
• Built-in 4.5" wide Thermal Printer

Digital Circuit Breaker Analyzer Vanguard CT-8000

• dry-contact inputs 3 channels (9103-UC) or 6 channels (9104-UC)
• timing windows 1 second, 10 seconds, or 20 seconds
• timing resolutions ±50 micro-seconds @ 1 sec. duration
• Fully analyze circuit breaker's performance
• measuring main contact and resistor contact time, stroke, velocity, over-travel, bounce back and contact wipes
• USB computer interface
• Built-in 4.5" wide Thermal Printer

EHV High Voltage Circuit Breaker Analyzer Vanguard digiTMR

• dry-contact inputs 3 dry-contact channels
• timing windows 1 second, 10 seconds, or 20 seconds
• timing resolutions ±50 micro-seconds @ 1 sec. duration
• Stand-alone, microcomputer-driven EHV Circuit Breaker Analyzer
• Analyzes contact time, stroke, velocity, over-travel, and contact wipe
• USB PC interface & USB Flash drive interface
• Built-in thermal printer

EHV High Voltage Circuit Breaker Analyzer Vanguard digiTMR PC

• dry-contact inputs 3 dry-contact channels
• timing windows 1 second, 10 seconds, or 20 seconds
• timing resolutions ±50 micro-seconds @ 1 sec. duration
• Inexpensive, PC-controlled EHV circuit breaker analyzer
• Optional "on-line" timing mode
• Small and light-weight
• Can test contact time, stroke, velocity, over-travel, and contact wipe

Molded Case Circuit Breaker Tester Vanguard MCCB-250

• 250 Ampere current source
• 4 current-source outputs (i.e., 5 A @ 120 Vac, 25 A @ 24 Vac, 120 A @ 6 Vac, 250 A @ 3 Vac)
• 4-line by 20-character LCD display
• Provides external current input (0-10 A)

10A AC/DC Curent Power Source for testing circuit breakers and protective relays Vanguard UPS-S2

• Isolated variable 1-300 Vdc source
• Isolated variable 1-240 Vac source
• 10 ampere continuous current

Vacuum Bottle Tester for High Voltage Circuit Breaker test Vanguard VBT-60

• Automatic Testing
• 10 kV to 60 / 80 kV DC output in 5 kV steps
• Selectable dwell time from 5 seconds to 2 minutes
• Digital voltage and current display
• Failure indicator lamp
• Very light-weight



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Category: VANGUARD circuit breaker anlayzers time contact resistance testers meters timing timers