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Universal Frequency Counters > TTi


Hand-held low cost Frequency Counter 8.5 digit 3 GHz TTi PFM3000

• 3 Hz to 3 GHz in two overlapping ranges
• Large 8.5 digit display with full range of annunciators
• Battery operation and lightweight, handheld format

Portable Frequency Counter 10 digit 3 GHz TTi TF930

• DC to 3 GHz range, 0.001mHz resolution
• Large 10 digit display with full range of annunciators
• Internal rechargeable batteries for portable use
• AC or DC coupling, 1M/50Ohm selection, polarity invert

Precision Laboratory Frequency Counter 10 digit 6-GHz TTi TF960

• Frequency, period, pulse width, frequency ratio, duty cycle, and event counter modes
• DC to 6000MHz range, 0.001mHz resolution
• High impedance measurement up to 125 MHz
• AC or DC coupling, 1M/50Ohm selection, polarity invert
• Switchable attenuator, threshold control



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Category: TTi frequency counter freq counters frequency meter universal counter, rf frequency counter, universal frequency counter counter timer analyzer pulse counter universal counter timer interval counter meters detector count digital meter counting timer and counter clock counter digital counters timer programmable MHz GHz radio meters electronic freq handheld