PITETECH three phase power quality analyzer electric energy logger meter

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Power Quality Analyzers > PITETECH


Three Phase Power Quality Analyzer Pite 3531

• LCD: 3.5" 320 x 240 TFT touch screen
• Measurement Range: Vrms 10..700V
• Arms: 5A, 10A, 100A, 1000A, 1500A and 3000A(with relative current clamps)
• Could test 3-phase volt, null line volt, 3-phase current, null line current
• Digital oscilloscope, checking waveform for voltage and current signal
• Power testing: 3-phase apparent power, active power, reactive power, power factor, and 3-phase electric power

Three Phase Electric Power Quality Analzyzer Pite 3561

• LCD: 5.7" 320 x 240 TFT touch screen
• Measurement Range: Vrms 10..700V
• Arms: 5A, 10A, 100A, 1000A, 1500A and 3000A (with relative current clamps)
• Up to 50 times harmonic testing with frequency spectrum graph
• Power testing: 3-phase apparent power, active power, reactive power, power factor
• Testing for wave motion, short-time flicker and long-time flicker
• Could have long-time record for basic (stable) power quality parameter

Single and Three-Phase Energy Calibration Meter Tester Pite 3552

• Touch-screen (TFT) and keyboard synchronous operation
• Combination of electricity meter tester and power quality analyzer
• Test all metering units and power meters of both high and low volt under 10KV
• Com port: USB port
• Safe and quick measurement for electricity anti-theft meter error



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Category: PITETECH three phase power quality analyzer electric energy logger meter