N4L Newtons4th Power analyzers Frequency Response Analyzer LCR meter Impedance

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LCR Analysis & Power Analyzers > N4L


Power Analyzer 1, 2 or 3 Phases DC..500kHz N4L PPA500

• 0.05% Basic accuracy
• Frequency range DC and 10mHz to 500kHz
• High precision internal shunts
• Superior accuracy to any external shunt
• 10 millidegree phase accuracy – Necessary for low power factor applications
• 20 Arms (300 Apk) & 1000 Vrms (2500 Vpk) direct input
• 1, 2 or 3 phase versions

Power Analyzer 1-3 Phases DC..1MHz N4L PPA1500

• 0.05% Basic accuracy
• Frequency range DC and 10mHz to 1MHz
• 20 Arms (300 Apk) & 1000 Vrms (2500 Vpk) direct input
• 1, 2 or 3 phase versions
• RS232, USB, LAN, Extension and Auxiliary ports

Precision Power Analyzer 1-3/4-6 Phases DC..2MHz N4L PPA2500

• 0.04% Basic accuracy
• Frequency range DC and 10mHz to 2MHz
• Up to 30 Arms (300 Apk) & 1000 Vrms (3000 Vpk) direct input
• 1, 2 or 3 phase versions, master – slave mode for 4, 5 or 6 phase
• Real time Digital, Tabular, Graphic and Oscilloscope displays
• RS232, IEEE 488, USB, LAN, Torque, Speed and Extension ports

Precision Power Analyzer 1-3/4-6 DC..2MHz Phases N4L PPA2600

• 0.04% basic accuracy
• Frequency range dc and 10mHz to 2MHz
• Up to 50Arms - 1000Apk direct current input
• 1, 2 or 3 phase versions, Master - slave configuration for 6 phase operation
• RS232, IEEE488, USB, LAN, Torque, Speed and Extension ports

High Precision Power Analyzer 1-3/4-6 Phases DC..2MHz N4L PPA5500

• 0.02% Basic accuracy
• Frequency range DC and 10mHz to 2MHz
• Up to 50 Arms (1000 Apk) & 1000 Vrms (3000 Vpk) direct input
• 1, 2 or 3 phase versions, master – slave mode for 4, 5 or 6 phase
• RS232, IEEE 488, USB, LAN, Torque, Speed and Extension ports

Frequency Response Analyzer 10uH..1MHz N4L PSM1700

• Frequency range 10µHz to 1MHz
• Floating differential inputs – 100 Vpk
• Frequency response analyzer
• Vector Volt Meter / Phase Angle Volt Meter
• Loop response analysis
• Impedance analyzer
• Harmonic analyzer

Frequency Response Analyzer 10uH..35MHz N4L PSM1735

• Frequency range 10µHz to 35MHz
• Floating differential inputs – 10 Vpk
• Frequency response analyzer
• Vector Volt Meter / Phase Angle Volt Meter
• Impedance analyzer
• Harmonic analyzer

High Voltage Frequency Response Analyzer 100uH..2.4MHz N4L PSM2200

• Frequency range 100µHz to 2.4MHz
• Floating differential inputs – 500 Vpk
• Frequency response analyzer
• Vector Volt Meter / Phase Angle Volt Meter
• Impedance analyzer
• Harmonic analyzer

Frequency Response Analyzer 100uH..2.4MHz N4L PSM2201

• Frequency range 100µHz to 2.4MHz
• Floating differential inputs – 10 Vpk
• Frequency response analyzer
• Vector Volt Meter / Phase Angle Volt Meter
• Impedance analyzer
• Harmonic analyzer

Impedance Analyzer DC..35MHz N4L IAI

• DC to 35MHz frequency range
• 4 wire Kelvin Connections
• Signal level: ±10V peak max.
• Shunts: 5Ω, 50Ω, 5kΩ, 500kΩ

Selective Level Meter 10mHz..1MHz N4L SLM1700

• Frequency range 10mHz to 1MHz
• Dual frequency SLM mode
• Input up to 100 Vpk
• Oscilloscope mode

High Voltage Selective Level Meter 10mHz..2MHz N4L SLM2200

• Frequency range 10mHz to 2MHz
• Dual frequency SLM mode
• RMS Voltmeter
• Floating differential inputs – 500 Vpk
• Oscilloscope mode
• FSK Simulation

Precision Portable Selective Level Meter 5Hz..5MHz N4L SLM3505

• Frequency range 5Hz to 5MHz
• Impedance analyzer
• Oscilloscope mode
• Mains / 12 volt dc / internal battery operation
• Selectable inputs up to 300 Vpk



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Category: N4L Newtons4th Power analyzers Frequency Response Analyzer LCR meter Impedance