KEYSIGHT Arbitrary Waveform Generators Function signal generator Sweep source arb generate variable frequency     ROM     ENG  
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Signal Generators > KEYSIGHT


Agilent 33210A Function / Arbitrary Waveform Generator 10 MHz

• 10 MHz sine and square waveforms
• Ramp, triangle, noise, and DC waveforms
• Option 002 provides 14-bit, 50 MSa/s, 8-Kpoint arbitrary waveform generation

Agilent 33521A Function / Arbitrary Waveform Generator 30 MHz

• 30 MHz sine, square, and pulse bandwidth cover more applications
• 250 MSa/s, 16-bit sampling rate for higher time-resolution arbitrary waveforms

Agilent 33522A Function / Arbitrary Waveform Generator 2 x 30 MHz

• 2 x 30 MHz sine, square, and pulse bandwidth cover more applications
• 250 MSa/s, 16-bit sampling rate for higher time-resolution arbitrary waveforms
• Dual-channel model with independent or coupled channels

Agilent 33250A Function / Arbitrary Waveform Generator 80 MHz

• 80 MHz sine and square waveforms
• 12-bit, 200 MSa/s, 64 Kpoint arbitrary waveforms
• 50 MHz pulse waveforms with variable rise/fall times
• Ramp, triangle, noise, DC and other waveforms

Agilent 81150A Pulse Function Arbitrary Noise Generator 240 MHz

• 1 μHz - 120 MHz pulse generation with variable rise/fall time
• 1 μHz - 240 MHz sine waveform output
• 14-bit, 2 GSa/s arbitrary waveforms
• 1 or 2 channel, coupled and uncoupled

Agilent U2761A USB Modular Function Generator 20 MHz

• 20 MHz sine and square waveforms
• 14-bit, 50 MSa/s, 64 Kpoint arbitrary waveforms
• Ramp, triangle and DC waveforms

Agilent 81160A Pulse Function Arbitrary Noise Generator 500 MHz

• 1 µHz – 330 MHz pulse generation with variable rise/fall time
• 1 µHz – 500 MHz sine waveform output
• 14-bit, 2.5 GSa/s arbitrary waveforms
• 1 or 2 channel, coupled and uncoupled

Agilent 81180A Arbitrary Waveform Generator 4.2 GSa/s

• 10-MS/s to 4.2-GSa/s sample clock control
• 2 GHz IQ modulation bandwidth
• 12 bit vertical resolution
• 1 or 2 channel, coupled or uncoupled

Agilent 33220A Arbitrary Waveform Generator 20 MHz

• 20 MHz Sine and Square waveforms
• 14-bit, 50 MSa/s, 64 K-point Arbitrary waveforms
• 5 MHz pulse waveforms with variable rise/fall times
• Pulse, Ramp, Triangle, Noise, and DC waveforms

Agilent 81101A Pulse Generator 50 MHz

• 1 mHz to 50 MHz
• 1 Channel
• 5 ns to 200 ms variable transition time
• Up to 10 Vpp into 50 Ω (20 Vpp into open circuit)

Agilent 81104A 81105A Pulse Generator 80 MHz

• 1 mHz to 80 MHz
• 1 or 2 Channels(order 2 x 81105A modules)
• 3 ns to 200 ms variable transition time
• Up to 10 Vpp into 50 Ω (20 Vpp into open circuit)

Agilent 81110A 81111A Pulse Generator 165 MHz

• 1 mHz to 165 MHz
• 1 or 2 Channels(order 2 x 81111A modules)
• 2 ns to 200 ms variable transition time
• Up to 10 Vpp into 50 Ω (20 Vpp into open circuit)

Agilent 81110A 81112A Pulse Generator 330 MHz

• 1 mHz to 330 MHz
• 1 or 2 Channels(order 2 x 81112A modules)
• 800 ps or 1.6 ns selectable
• Up to 3.8 Vpp into 50 Ω

Agilent 81130A 81131A Pulse Data Generator 400 MHz

• 1 kHz to 400 MHz
• 1 or 2 Channels(order 2 x 81131A modules)
• 800 ps or 1.6 ns selectable
• Up to 3.8 Vpp into 50 Ω

Agilent 81130A 81132A Pulse Data Generator 660 MHz

• 1 kHz to 660 MHz
• 1 or 2 Channels(order 2 x 81132A modules)
• 500 ps typ.fixed
• Up to 2.5 Vpp into 50 Ω

Agilent N9310A RF Signal Generator 9 kHz..3 GHz

• 9 kHz to 3 GHz
• 0.1 Hz resolution
• 20 Hz to 80 kHz low frequency (LF) output
• -127 to +13 dBm output level range (maximum +20 dBm settable)
• Optional IQ modulator, 40 MHz bandwidth

Agilent N5181A MXG RF Signal Generator 100 kHz..1 GHz/ 3 GHz/ 6 GHz

• 100 kHz to 1 GHz, 3 GHz or 6 GHz
• 0.01 Hz resolution
• +23 dBm output power @ 1 GHz
• AM, FM, ØM, and pulse modulation

Agilent N5182A MXG Vector Signal Generator 100 kHz..3 GHz/ 6 GHz

• 100 kHz to 3 GHz or 6 GHz
• 0.01 Hz resolution
• >+23 dBm up to 3 GHz using a highly-reliable, fast-switching electronic attenuator
• 100 MHz internal I/Q baseband generator
• Up to 64 MSa playback memory and 800 MSa storage

Agilent E4428C ESG RF Signal Generator 250 kHz..3 GHz or 6 GHz

• 250 kHz to 3 GHz or 6 GHz
• 0.01 Hz resolution
• -136 to 17 dBm @ 1 GHZ and 10 dBm @ 6 GHz output power
• AM, FM, ØM, and pulse modulation

Agilent E4438C ESG Vector Signal Generator 250 kHz..1 GHz/ 2 GHz/ 3 GHz/ 4 GHz/ 6 GHz

• 250 kHz to 1 GHz, 2 GHz, 3 GHz, 4 GHz or 6 GHz
• 0.01 Hz resolution
• +17 dBm output power
• 64 MSa playback memory and 1 GSa storage
• 80 MHz dual mode internal baseband generator: arbitrary waveform and real-time I/Q

Agilent E8663D PSG RF Signal Generator 100 kHz..3.2 GHz/ 9 GHz

• 100 kHz to 3.2 GHz or 9 GHz
• 0.001 Hz resolution
• -135 to +24 dBm typical output power with Option 1EU
• AM, FM, ØM, and pulse (may be simultaneously enabled)

Agilent E8257D PSG Microwave Analog Signal Generator 250 kHz..20 GHz/ 31.8 GHz/ 40 GHz/ 50 GHz/ 67 GHz

• 250 kHz to 20 GHz, 31.8 GHz, 40 GHz, 50 GHz or 67 GHz operational to 70 GHz
• 0.001 Hz resolution
• +23 dBm @ 20 GHz, +17dBm @ 40 GHz, +14 dBm @ 67 GHz output power (typ); > +30 dBm (typ) with Option 521.
• AM, FM, ØM, pulse, and scan
• Extendable to 75, 90, 110, 140, 170, 220, 325, or 500 GHz

Agilent E8267D PSG Vector Signal Generator 250 kHz..20 GHz/ 31.8 GHz/ 44 GHz

• 250 kHz to 20 GHz, 31.8 GHz or 44 GHz
• 0.001 Hz resolution
• +22 dBm @ 20 GHz and +18 dBm @ 40 GHz output power (typ)
• 160 MHz (extendable to 2 GHz) RF modulation bandwidth



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Category: KEYSIGHT Arbitrary Waveform Generators Function signal generator Sweep source arb generate variable frequency signalgenerator pulse impulse programmable triangular pwm clock portable Dds