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Infrared Thermal Cameras > HT ITALIA


THT47 Infrared Thermal Camera 160x120 pixels resolution

• Resolution of IR sensor: 160x120pxl
• Measurement range from -20°C to 400°C
• Thermal sensitivity 0,08°C
• Picture frequency 50Hz
• 3,5” Capacitive touchscreen
• Voice and text notes
• IR pictures saved on SD card under JPG format
• IR videos saved on SD card under MPEG4 format

THT60 Infrared Thermal Camera 160x120 pixels resolution

• Resolution of IR sensor: 160x120pxl
• Measurement range from -20°C to 400°C
• Thermal sensitivity 0,08°C
• Picture frequency 50Hz
• 3,5” Capacitive touchscreen
• Voice and text notes
• IR pictures saved on SD card under JPG format
• IR videos saved on SD card under MPEG4 format

THT70 Infrared Thermal Camera 388x284 pixels resolution

• Resolution of IR sensor: 388x284 pixel
• Measurement range from -20°C to 400°C
• Thermal sensitivity 0,08°C
• Picture frequency 50Hz
• 3,5” Capacitive touchscreen
• Voice and text notes
• IR pictures saved on SD card under JPG format
• IR videos saved on SD card under MPEG4 format



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Category: HT ITALIA infrared cameras thermal thermographic