FLUKE temperature calibrators thermocouple termometer rtd resistance thermostat thermo thermal simulator

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Temperature Calibrators > FLUKE


RTD Temperature Calibrator Fluke 712

• -200 to 800ºC Range Measure / simulate RTD (Pt 100)
• 0 to 3200 Ω Range Measure / simulate resistance
• 0.1 Ω, 0.1 ºC Resolution

Thermocouple Temperature Calibrator Fluke 714

• -200 to 1800ºC Range Measure / simulate thrmocouple
• -10 to 75 mV Range Measure / simulate voltage
• Measure temperature from TC output

Handheld Temperature Calibrator Fluke 724

• -10 to 75 mV, 0 to 10 V Voltage source
• -10 to 75 mV, 0 to 30 V Voltage measure
• 0 to 24 mA Current measure
• 0 to 3200 Ω Resistance measure / source

Fluke Hart Scientific 1594A 1595A Temperature, Thermometer, Thermistor Calibrator

• Calibrate SPRTs, PRTs, RTDs and thermistors (0 Ω to 500 kΩ)
• Accuracy as good as 0.06 ppm (0.000015 °C)
• “Ratio Self-Calibration” verifies and calibrates resistance ratio accuracy
• Automatic zero-power measurements calculate thermometer probe self-heating
• Temperature-controlled internal reference resistors

Fluke 712B RTD Temperature Calibrator

• measure and simulate (13) different RTD types and resistance
• Measure 4 to 20 mA signals while simultaneously sourcing a temperature signal
• Configurable 0 % and 100 % source settings for quick 25 % linearity checks
• Linear ramp and 25 % step auto ramp based on 0 % and 100 % settings
• Dual inputs and backlit display for easy interpretation of measurements
• Power down settings remembered at power up for easy restart of tests
• 1-year and 2-year specifications and traceable certification of calibration

Fluke 714B Thermocouple Calibrator

• measure and simulate (17) different thermocouple types and millivolts
• Measure 4 to 20 mA signals while simultaneously sourcing a temperature signal
• Configurable 0 % and 100 % source settings for quick 25 % linearity checks
• Linear ramp and 25 % step auto ramp based on 0 % and 100 % settings
• Dual inputs and backlit display for easy interpretation of measurements
• Power down settings remembered at power up for easy restart of tests
• 1-year and 2-year specifications and traceable certification of calibration



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Category: FLUKE temperature calibrators thermocouple termometer rtd resistance thermostat thermo thermal simulator nist calibration certificate