FLUKE gas flow analyzers debit-meter air flux pressure volume oxigen concentration

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Gas Analyzers > FLUKE


Air Gas Flow Analyzer Fluke Biomedical VT PLUS HF

• Bi-directional flow, pressure, volume, and oxygen concentration, and pressure measurements
• Low- and high-pressure, and flow measurement capability
• Special HF mode—up to 900 BPM (15 Hz)
• RS-232 and printer ports
• Included Windows-compatible graphics software

Lung Precision Test Sinulator Fluke Biomedical ACCU LUNG

• Small, lightweight and portable
• User-selectable compliance and resistance settings
• Calibrated accuracy for both resistance and compliance
• Complies with IEC standard for breathing- circuit connection
• Certified test lung for test system traceability to standards

Oxigen O2 Concentration Analyzer Fluke Biomedical MaxO2 PLUS AE

• One-touch calibration, with reminder
• Long battery life (approx. 5,000 hrs)
• Impact resistant and drip proof
• External MAX-250E Oxygen Sensor

Gas/ Liquid Pressure Tester of Medical Equipments Fluke Biomedical DPM2Plus

• Handheld
• Battery operated
• 1 % accuracy
• Five selectable scale ranges
• Voltage output to drive a recorder for assessing electronics of pressure measurement circuit
• Air or liquid measurement

Pneumatic Transducer Pressure Generating/ Measuring Fluke Biomedical DPM1B

• Battery operated
• Generates and measures positive or negative pressures
• Operates with gas and liquid
• Troubleshooting with 1 % accuracy

Multifunction Parameter Tester of Differential Pressure, Vacuum, Temperature Fluke Biomedical DPM4

• Palm size
• High accuracy
• Differential pressure, vacuum, and temperature measurements
• Multiple user-selectable units of measurement
• Simultaneous display of multiple parameter measurements
• Leak detection/leak-rate calculation
• RS232 for computer control

Multifunction Tester of Gas Flow, Volume, Vacuum, Pressure, Oxigen Concentration Fluke Biomedical VT MOBILE

• Bidirectional flow (high- and low-flow ranges), volume, vacuum, pressure, and oxygen-concentration measurements
• 16 ventilator parameter measurements
• Trending and statistical analysis of all measured values
• Onboard graphical display
• Portable and compact
• RS232 for computer control
• Memory for storing results
• VT for Windows PC software

Multifunctional Tester for Temperature, Humidity, Velocity, CO, CO2 Fluke 075 AirMeter

• Temperature -20 °C to 50 °C (-5 °F to 122 °F)
• Velocity 0.25 m/sec to 15 m/sec
• Relative Humidity 10 % to 90 % RH, non-condensing
• CO2 0 to 5000 ppm
• CO 0 to 500 ppm

Air Quality Particle Counter Fluke 985

• Six channels and particle size range of 0.3 - 10.0 µm
• Ultra-lightweight and ergonomic design
• Large 3.5 QVGC Color display
• 10,000 record storage
• USB/Ethernet charge cradle

Carbon Monoxide Tester Fluke CO-220

• Rugged case and electronics.
• Large LCD displays CO levels from 0 to 1000 ppm.
• Bright back-light allows easy screen viewing under dim lighting conditions.
• Beeper triggers with increasing frequency as CO levels rise.
• MAX Hold function stores and displays the maximum CO level.
• Automatic sensor zeroing and self-test sequence upon start-up.



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Category: FLUKE gas flow analyzers debit-meter air flux pressure volume oxigen concentration