CST BERGER total stations teodolites laser level meters

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Topographic Measurements > CST BERGER


Total stations CST305R Bosch CST berger

• Accuracy of 5 arc seconds (CST305R)
• Pre-installed, high-performance software
• Large, dual-sided display
• Internal memory of 15,000 points
• Working range up to 300 m without a prism and up to 5,000 m with a triple
• prism

 CST berger 
Total stations CST302R Bosch CST berger

• Accuracy of 2 arc seconds (CST302R)
• Pre-installed, high-performance software
• Large, dual-sided display
• Internal memory of 15,000 points
• Working range up to 300 m without a prism and up to 5,000 m with a triple
• prism

 CST berger 
Theodolite DGT10 Bosch CST berger

• Accuracy of 5 arc seconds (DGT10)
• Easy and precise angle measurement
• Large, dual-sided display with lighting
• Comprehensive range of accessories
• Robust/IP54

 CST berger 
Theodolite DGT2 Bosch CST berger

• Accuracy of 2 arc seconds (DGT2)
• Easy and precise angle measurement
• Large, dual-sided display with lighting
• Comprehensive range of accessories
• Robust/IP54

 CST berger 
Rotation lasers ALGRD - Bosh CST Berger

• Digital display for exact setting of grades
• Dual-grade capability of ± 10% in both horizontal and vertical positions using
• keypad and remote control
• Exceptionally high accuracy, long range, robust and waterproof

 CST berger 
Rotation lasers ALHVG - Bosh CST Berger

• Exceptionally high visibility due to green laser beam
• Exceptionally high accuracy, long range, robust and waterproof
• Dual-slope capable in both horizontal and vertical positions

 CST berger 
Rotation lasers LM800DPI - Bosh CST berger

• Dual-slope capable in both horizontal and vertical positions
• Exceptionally high accuracy
• Exceptionally long range

 CST berger 
Pipe laser LMPL20 - Bosh CST berger

• Long-range remote control and large display
• Dual-slope capability of ± 10% in horizontal position using keypad and remote control
• Exceptionally high accuracy and long working range

 CST berger 
High-performance line laser XLP34PKG - Bosh CST berger

• Self-levelling
• 1 horizontal laser line plus 2 vertical laser lines arranged at a 90° angle
• Downward plumb beam, upward plumb point

 CST berger 
High-performance line laser XLP34 - Bosh CST berger

• Self-levelling
• 1 horizontal laser line plus 2 vertical laser lines arranged at a 90° angle
• Downward plumb beam, upward plumb point

 CST berger 


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Category: CST BERGER total stations teodolites laser level meters