BROCKHAUS gaussmeters fluxmeters teslameters testing measure Hall probe hystograph     ROM     ENG  
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Electromagnetic Field Testers > BROCKHAUS


Gaussmeter Teslameter for measure magnetic field with Hall probe Brockhaus BGM-101

• From DC to 10 kHz AC fields (TRUE RMS)
• Automatic probe detection
• Display in Gauss, Tesla, Oersted or A / m
• Bargraph visualization
• Hand-held device for determining magnetic field strength
• High accuracy of 0,5 % and repeatability
• Data transfer to PC via USB
• Multicolour touch TFT 320 x 240 px

Gaussmeter Teslameter laboratory high precision BROCKHAUS BGM-201

• Digital precision Gaussmeter for determining the magnetic field strength of permanent magnets and systems
• High accuracy of ± 0.05 %
• DC, AC to 30 kHz (True RMS)
• Multicolour touch TFT 800 x 480 px
• Relative, Auto Zero, Data storage,
• Data transfer to PC via USB

Digital Laboratory Gaussmeter Brockhaus GM-425

• Single-channel Gaussmeter with a resolution of 4 ¾ digits
• measuring accuracy of ± 0.20 % of the measured value
• readings on a 2-line LCD display with background light
• Measuring range: 350 mG, 3.5 G, 35 G, 350 G, 3.5 kG, 35 kG, 350 kG
• Measuring frequency: DC, AC up to 10 kHz
• USB Interface

Precision Laboratory Teslameter Brockhaus GM-455 DSP

• Precision laboratory Gaussmeter for determining the magnetic field strength of permanent magnets and systems
• Measurement of magnetizing pulses up to 20 kHz
• User-friendly measuring instrument
• Single-channel Gaussmeter with a resolution of 5 3/4 digits
• measuring accuracy of ± 0,075 % of the measured value
• Measuring range: 35 mG, 350 mG, 3.5 G, 35 G, 350 G, 3.5 kG, 35 kG, 35 kG

Three-Channel Precision Laboratory Teslameter Brockhaus GM-460

• Three-channel Gaussmeter for determining the magnetic field strength of permanent magnets and systems
• Measurement of magnetizing pulses
• resolution of 5 3/4 digits
• Measuring range: 300 mG, 3 G, 30 G, 300 G, 3 kG, 30 kG, 300 kG
• Measuring frequency: DC, 10 Hz - 400 Hz
• Measuring accuracy: ± 0,1 % of DC value, ± 2 % of AC value, 0,005 % of measuring range

Precision Laboratory Teslameter Brockhaus GM-475

• Precision laboratory Gaussmeter for determining the magnetic field strength of permanent magnets and systems
• Measurement of magnetizing pulses up to 50 kHz
• User-friendly measuring instrument
• Single-channel Gaussmeter with a resolution of 5 3/4 digits
• measuring accuracy of ± 0,05 % of the measured value
• Measuring range: 35 mG, 350 mG, 3.5 G, 35 G, 350 G, 3.5 kG, 35 kG, 35 kG
• Measuring frequency: DC, 1 Hz - 50 kHz
• Measuring accuracy: ± 0,05 % of DC value, ± 1% of AC value, ± 0,005 % of DC measuring range

Hall effect probes for measuring axial and transverse magnetic fields with Gaussmeters Brockhaus

• Probes for Gaussmeter:
• Axial Probes
• Transverse Probes
• Flexible Transverse Probes

Fluxmeter for measuring all magnetic quality parameters Brockhaus F10

• Magnetic flux
• Magnetic flux density
• Magnetic field strength
• Magnetic moment
• Magnetic potential
• Polarization
• Analogue voltage integrator for measuring all quality-related magnetic parameters
• Integrated calibration device

Helmoltz coil for magnetic moment measuring Brockhaus HC01/HC02

• Helmholtz Coil HC01 150 mm
• Helmholtz Coil HC02 210 mm
• Measuring coil to determine magnetic moment
• Coil constant K= 0,0154cm
• Resitance 35 Ohm

Hystograph for hysteresis diagram, remanence, field strenght, enery, polarization of magnetic materials Brockhaus HG200

• Remanence
• Coercive field strength
• Maximum energy product
• Maximum field strength
• Maximum polarization
• Hysteresis display
• Measurement of all hard magnetic materials(AlNiCo, ferrite, SmCo, NdFeB, plastic composite)
• Measurement with constant flux alteration dΦ/dt

Hystograph for testing parameters of magnetic materials Brockhaus HG200 AC/DC

• Remanence
• Coercive field strength
• Maximum energy product
• Specific hysteresis loss
• Maximum field strength
• Maximum polarization
• Effective field strength
• Permeability
• Specific apparent output
• Hysteresis display
• Form factor



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Category: BROCKHAUS gaussmeters fluxmeters teslameters testing measure Hall probe hystograph