Power: 375 VA
Voltage rms: 300 V
Current rms: 3.25 A
Repetitive & non-repetitive peak current: 40 A
Output Frequency Range DC; 45 Hz to 1 kHz
Ready to use "one-box" AC power source/analyzer
AC mains design verification system for sourcing and measuring
High peak current capability
Programmable output impedence
Graphical user interface software
Built-in GPIB and RS-232 interfaces (SCPI programming)
VXI plug&play drivers, HP VEE, NI LabView
Built-in harmonic analysis capability
400 Hz power disturbances (115 Vrms, 28 VDC, 270 VDC)
RTCA-D0160/Mil-std 704 testing capability
2 measurement ranges (increases sensitivity by 10:1)
Built-in PIP E9012 compatability mode