RIGOL DS1054Z Osciloscop digital 50MHz 4 canale Pret

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RIGOL DS1054Z Osciloscop digital 50MHz 4 canale

Cod: RIGOL DS1054Z
Pret: 445.00 409.00
 Datasheet Produs (*.PDF - 0.81 Mb)

» Specificatii tehnice

Promotie !!! Optine gratis optiuni software in valoare de € 730 (TVA inclus) la achizitionarea unui osciloscop din seria DS1000Z/MSO1000Z !
   Optiunile sunt:
        SD-DS1000Z Serial Decoder
        AT-DS1000Z Advanced Trigger
        MEM-DS1000Z Memory Option
        REC-DS1000Z Record-Module!
DS1054Z  4-Channel, 50MHz Bandwidth, 1GS/s Sample Rate, 12Mpts

DS1074Z  4-Channel, 70MHz Bandwidth, 1GS/s Sample Rate, 12Mpts

DS1104Z  4-Channel, 100MHz Bandwidth, 1GS/s Sample Rate, 12Mpts
DS1074Z-S  4-Channel, 70MHz Bandwidth, 1GS/s Sample Rate, 12Mpts, Generator

DS1104Z-S  4-Channel, 100MHz Bandwidth, 1GS/s Sample Rate, 12Mpts, Generator


100MHz,70MHz,50MHz Bandwidth, 4 channels

1G Sa/s Real-time Sample Rate

12Mpts (Std.) and 24Mpts (Opt.) Memory Depth

Innovative "UltraVision" technology

Up to 30,000wfms/s Waveform Capture Rate

Built in 2 channels 25MHz waveform Generator(DS1000Z-S)

7 Inch WVGA (800x480), multiple intensity levels waveform display









50 MHz

70 MHz

100 MHz

Analog Channels


Sample Rate

1GSa/s (Single-channel), 500MSa/s(Dual-channel), 250MSa/s(Fulll-channel)

Max Memory Depth

12Mpts(standard) ,24Mpts(option)

Max. Waveform Capture rate

Up to 30,000 wfms/s

Real Time waveform Record and Replay

Up to 60, 000 Frames(Opt.)

Std. Probes

RP2200 150MHz BW Passive Probe:4 sets

Built in 2 Ch Source


























» Accesorii standard incluse

Power cord conforming to the standard of the country -


4 passive probes (150 MHz) RP2200

1 logic analyzer probe ( (MSO only)) RPL1116

Quick Guide -

Resource CD (include User’s Guide and application software)

» Optiuni, Servicii si Accesorii recomandate

Optional Accessories

Rack Mount Kit RM-DS1000Z

Memory Depth Option

Analog channel: 24 Mpts (single-channel)/12 Mpts (dual-channel)/ 6 Mpts (four-channel)

Digital channel: 24 Mpts (8-channel)/12 Mpts (16-channel)


Waveform Record Option The option supports waveform record and waveform playback REC-DS1000Z

Advanced Trigger Option The option includes these trigger functions: RS232/UART , I2C , SPI, Runt,

Windows, Nth edge, Delay, Timeout, Setup/Hold AT-DS1000Z

Serial Analysis Option The option includes RS232/UART, I2C and SPI trigger and decoding functions SA-DS1000Z


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Produs: RIGOL DS1054Z Osciloscop digital 50MHz 4 canale Pret