This device supports all above mentioned "common advantages". It is especially popular among medics and alternative practitioners, as it offers a perfect combination of easy handling and professional measurement possibilities. It allows an easy allocation of the electrosmog frequencies to the traction power or the mains power as well as to the artificial harmonics, thus facilitating an especially precise consultation of remedial actions and an easy control of their effectiveness.
Frequency range: 5 Hz - 100 KHz (compensated, better than -2 dB).
- The reading shows the total pollution without any calculation required.
- The measured values are reliably displayed directly in the entity corresponding to the building biology standard values, namely:
- The electric field strength from 1 to 1999 V/m (against ground potential)
- The magnetic flux density from 1 to 1999 nT.
- An acoustic signal proportional to the field strength with "Geiger-counter-effect" helps identifying regions with increased exposure.
- A switchable internal filter module as in the professional devices, allowing a numeric differentiation of traction power and mains supply as well as the artificial higher frequencies. A useful aspect considering the even lower precautionary values for higher frequencies.