Generator de joasa presiune cu sursa de vacuum, diferentiala LR-Cal PC4 calibrator calibrare presiuni joase diferentiale generare precizie     ROM     ENG  
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Calibratoare presiune > LR-CAL (4) > Generator de joasa presiune cu sursa de vacuum, diferentiala LR-Cal PC4


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Generator de joasa presiune cu sursa de vacuum, diferentiala LR-Cal PC4

Cod: LR-Cal PC4
 Datasheet Produs (*.PDF - 0.12 Mb)

» Specificatii tehnice

The PC4 is an appliance for verification and calibration of pressure sensors, pressure gauges, as well as pressure switches for low pressures. The combination pressure measuring unit and pressure generator allows a variety of applications in the laboratory as well as in the field.

The PC4 can be used with battery (9V E-Block) or (optional) from the mains (plug-in power supply).

The robust inductive measuring cell covers a wide pressure measuring range by means of a 1 : 5 pressure range selector. The PC4 can be delivered for 3 standard measuring ranges. Responsetime of the measuring signal can be selected for 3 steps.

The pressure is displayed on a high contrast LC display with 12.5 mm characters. An analogue output is available on request. For greater volumes an integrated hand pump is used to generate a pressure and metal bellows is used for precide adjustment.

Two integrated valves are used to vent the measuring equipment.


Application Areas:

Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, Cleanroom technology, medical technology, Filter technology, Level measurements (bubble-through measurements), Flow-velocity measurements (Pitot tube, orifice blade)


PC4-10 0...10 mbar switch-selectable to 0...1,999 mbar, 10-times Overload

PC4-100 0...100 mbar switch-selectable to 0...19,99 mbar, 10-times Overload

PC4-1000 0...1000 mbar switch-selectable to 0...199,9 mbar, 2-times Overload


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Produs: Generator de joasa presiune cu sursa de vacuum, diferentiala LR-Cal PC4 calibrator calibrare presiuni joase diferentiale generare precizie