Clorimetru pentru masurare Cl liber si Cl total - Extech CL500 Analizor calitate apa     ROM     ENG  
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Clorimetru pentru masurare Cl liber si Cl total - Extech CL500

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Clorimetru pentru masurare Cl liber si Cl total - Extech CL500




Clorul este produsul cel mai des folosit pentru dezinfectarea apei. Monitorizarea valorilor clorului este foarte importantă în aplicaţii precum piscinele şi bazinele cu apă termală, calitatea fructelor şi a legumelor, dezinfectarea şi verificarea calităţii apei potabile.Prin monitorizarea acestui parametru crucial, este posibilă reducerea riscurilor de îmbolnăvire.


Extech CL500 este utilizat pentru a masura atat Cl liber cat si Cl total pina la 3.5 ppm cu rezolutie de 0.01ppm.


Metoda utilizata este adaptata din metoda USEPA 330.5 pentru ape reziduale si metoda standard 4500-Cl-G pentru apa potabila.





Portable tester for measuring of both Free and Total Chlorine up to 3.50ppm


The CL500 is a free and total Chlorine meter. This chlorine tester measures up to 3.50ppm with 0.01ppm resolution on its large LCD screen. Complete with Free, Total and Zero Chlorine standard solutions, test bottles with covers, Free and Total Chlorine DPD powder (10pcs), cleaning cloth, 6 AAA batteries, and hard carrying case.





Free and Total Chlorine Meter Features

Large big-digit LCD and splash-proof front panel

Measures Free and Total Chlorine up to 3.50ppm with 0.01ppm resolution

Advanced optical system uses a narrow band LED lamp that provides accurate and repeatable readings

Requires only a 10mL sample size

Independent 2-point calibration for Free and Total Chlorine, Auto Power Off

Battery operated for field and on-site testing

Data Hold and Min/Max record/recall

Complete with Free, Total and Zero Chlorine standard solutions, test bottles with covers, Free and Total Chlorine DPD powder (10pcs), cleaning cloth, six AAA batteries, and hard carrying case



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Produs: Clorimetru pentru masurare Cl liber si Cl total - Extech CL500 Analizor calitate apa