The PROLITE-77 is an instrument optimized for analysis, installation and maintenance of fibre optics networks based on GPON architecture (Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networkit), that is, networks based on technology FTTX / PON, that provide speed over 1 Gbps. The instrument provides filtered measurements, individualized and simultaneous for the three wavelengths that are used in fibres (1490 and 1550 nm for Downstream and 1310 nm for Upstream). It provides quick access to all options of the instrument by means of a straightforward graphical interface very easy-to-use.
The PROLITE-77 provides a Visible Fault Locator that emits a laser light that is helpful, for example to identify a particular fibre, the location of breaks or cuts, macrobendings, damaged or dirty connectors... Any mistake or problem at the installation is identified efficiently with this function.
FTTH Portable Analyser capable of measuring simultaneously three wavelengths (1310, 1490 and 1550 nm) in FTTH / PON systems and optimized for GPON architecture
Pass-through connection between the emitter center (OLT) and home (ONT) allowing full communication between them during testing
Visible Fault Locator by laser emission
Upstream BURST Detection at 1310 nm
Possibility of modular expansion: OTDR Module and Channel Analyser Module
Data transfer to PC
Ideal for fieldwork: lightweight, resistant to adverse conditions and backlit
Graphical interface simple and very intuitive, easy-to-use
Ambidextrous cursor keys, softkeys and alphanumeric keypad
Connectors protected from dust and external elements by sliding lids built into the instrument
Rechargeable Li-On Batteries