Vector Network Analyzer 9 kHz..3/ 6/ 13.6 GHz Rohde & Schwarz ZVL Vector network analyzer vna vsa microwave analyzer semiconductor S parameters scalar analyzer impedance analyzer     ROM     ENG  
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Spectrum Analyzers > Rohde & Schwarz (15) > Vector Network Analyzer 9 kHz..3/ 6/ 13.6 GHz Rohde & Schwarz ZVL


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Vector Network Analyzer 9 kHz..3/ 6/ 13.6 GHz Rohde & Schwarz ZVL

Code: Rohde & Schwarz ZVL3/ ZVL6/ZVL13/ ZVL3-75
Rohde & Schwarz
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 1.86 Mb)

» Technical Specs

  • 9 kHz to 3 GHz/ 6 GHz or 13.6 GHz
  • Wide dynamic range: >115 dB, typ. 123 dB
  • Bidirectional two-port vector network analyzer
  • Measurement of all four S-parameters, impedance, admittance and stability
  • Full-featured optional spectrum analyzer
  • Highly accurate optional power meter
  • Compact, portable, and lightweight at less than 7 kg
  • Optional internal battery pack
  • LAN & USB interfaces included, opt. GPIB

» Recommended Options, Services and Accessories

  • R&S ZVL3 Vector Network Analyzer 9 kHz to 3 GHz Test ports: N(f), 50 Ω
  • R&S ZVL6 Vector Network Analyzer 9 kHz to 6 GHz Test ports: N(f), 50 Ω
  • R&S ZVL13 Vector Network Analyzer 9 kHz to 13.6 GHz Test ports: N(f), 50 Ω
  • R&S ZVL3-75 Vector Network Analyzer  9 kHz to 3 GHz Test ports: N(f), 75 Ω

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Product: Vector Network Analyzer 9 kHz..3/ 6/ 13.6 GHz Rohde & Schwarz ZVL Vector network analyzer vna vsa microwave analyzer semiconductor S parameters scalar analyzer impedance analyzer spectral analysis