Transmission Monitoring E1 Analyzer in PDH Data Transport Network Dadi BER-1620 price tester     ROM     ENG  
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Cable Network Test > DADI (15) > Transmission Monitoring E1 Analyzer in PDH Data Transport Network Dadi BER-1620


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Transmission Monitoring E1 Analyzer in PDH Data Transport Network Dadi BER-1620

Code: Dadi SHD-1620
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.63 Mb)

» Technical Specs

  • BERT test for PDH and SDH and error performance analysis per G821 G826 G828 G829 M2100 andorM2101; directly and automatically compare the test results with standards.
  • Anomaly/defect testing: Tx-end transmitting anomaly/defect events and Rx-end receiving anomaly/defect events with record and statistics; recorded events displayed in chart and/or graphics and supporting filter selection
  • Overhead testing: overhead emulating transmission and receiving analysis; two parts: general part (including J0/J1/J2/S1/V5/C2) and extended part (all the remaining overhead bytes except A1/A2 B1/B2/B3 )
  • Pointer monitoring: generate G.783 pointer and NDF pointer; display pointer value in real-time; record pointer adjustment events (positive, negative and NDF)
  • APS timing measurement: measure the network switchover time
  • Round trip delay testing: measure the signal transport time from Tx to Rx
  • Tributary scan: auto scan each tributary with the range optional
  • Timing and synchronization testingfrequency accuracy test; pull-in range and pull-out range test
  • Real-time optical power testing
  • Voice monitoring: able to select any channel of SDH/PDH


  • Easy operation: 10.4’’TFT touch screen, visible graphic display
  • Simulated indicators: for current and history alarm and error status; indicator quantities and types can be automatically set based on tested signals and interface settings.
  • Multi-task testing: multiple tasks can be created and deleted dynamically and freely.
  • Clock interfaces: external clock Tx & Rx interfaces  
  • Events record: large capacity for recording bit error and alarm events; events displayed in chart and graphics and supporting filter selection
  • Data management: test results may be saved as HTML or TXT format or exported to U-disk or PC for viewing and printing

» Standard included accessories


» Recommended Options, Services and Accessories



Part No.



SDH-1620A SDH/PDH transmission test unit



2048KHz external clock





requires separated SFP



STM-N Test Module Options:







requires separated SFP


requires separated SFP




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Product: Transmission Monitoring E1 Analyzer in PDH Data Transport Network Dadi BER-1620 price tester