Shineway SPM-50 RF Spectrum Power Meter     ROM     ENG  
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Oscilloscopes > 05.07 (208) > Shineway SPM-50 RF Spectrum Power Meter


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Shineway SPM-50 RF Spectrum Power Meter

Code: Shineway SPM-50 RF
Shineway Tech
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.29 Mb)

» Technical Specs

SPM-50A Spectrum Power Meter brings innovative testing concept and approach for RF cable system installation and maintenance. It combines the key function of spectrumanalyzer and power meter, designed to measure the power characteristics of particular signal among mixed signals transmitted on cable, fast and accurately present result in power histogram or spectrum chart.

SPM-50A supports normal, burst and frequency segment sweep modes to acquire information of forward power, reflected power, return loss, VSWR, peak power, crest, CCDF, duct cycle and etc.



  • Combination of power and spectrum analyzer
  • Test mode: normal, burst and frequency segment sweep
  • Burst test: Burst average power, burst peak power, duty cycle
  • Power histogram or spectrum chart
  • Preset frequency band for fast scan
  • Live testing through feeder cable system
  • Working with PC software or handheld monitor
  • USB communication port
  • Reverse protection
  • Compact design

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Product: Shineway SPM-50 RF Spectrum Power Meter