Seba KMT VFL Sinus 54kV Sine Wave Cable Test Systems steath faults locating     ROM     ENG  
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Hipot High Voltage Testers > SEBAKMT (19) > Seba KMT VFL Sinus 54kV Sine Wave Cable Test Systems


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Seba KMT VFL Sinus 54kV Sine Wave Cable Test Systems

Code: Seba-KMT VLF Sinus-54kV
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.41 Mb)

» Technical Specs

VLF Sinus 54 kV

The VLF Sinus 54 kV is the ideal system for all users who want to or must test with a genuine 0.1 Hz sine wave voltage. The VLF testing system can be perfectly integrated in a fault location system or in combination with an OWTS and the optional tanDelta test attachment as part of a diagnostic test van. The system is designed for continuous operation which prevents unnecessary waiting times and increases test efficiency drastically. 

Using a USB stick, logs can be conveniently created in.csv format, enabling further data processing, and are also saved in Easyprot format (software supplied) for clear and structured reports. Sheath faults can be precisely pinpointed by using the step voltage method in combination with the optional available step-voltage probe ESG NT. 

Key Benefits:

  • High test capacity of 5 μF
  • Single-button operation "easyGo"
  • Continuous duty cycle
  • Integrated safety system
  • Suitable for diagnosing 45 kV rated cables


» Standard included accessories


» Recommended Options, Services and Accessories


Notebook with Centrix operating software

tan delta test attachment



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Product: Seba KMT VFL Sinus 54kV Sine Wave Cable Test Systems steath faults locating