SLA Batterry Capacity Analyzer 6V & 12V BK Precision 601 tester meter rechargeable     ROM     ENG  
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Battery Testers > BK (2) > SLA Batterry Capacity Analyzer 6V & 12V BK Precision 601


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SLA Batterry Capacity Analyzer 6V & 12V BK Precision 601

Code: BK Precision 601
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.12 Mb)

» Technical Specs

B&K Precision Battery Capacity Analyzer tests Lead Acid Batteries and displays the battery's stored charge capacity as a percentage; it also displays both the loaded and un-loaded battery voltages. The model 601 can also display the internal resistance of the battery under test. This unit identifies batteries that may be defective or deteriorated. It's a perfect tool for testing battery back up systems for emergency lighting, alarm, sprinkler systems, UPS devices and any system that uses lead acid batteries to provide power.


  • Works with 6V and 12V lead acid batteries
  • Settable Ah from 1 to 100 in 1Ah steps (works best on batteries from 5 to 99Ah)
  • Powered by the battery being tested

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Product: SLA Batterry Capacity Analyzer 6V & 12V BK Precision 601 tester meter rechargeable