Multiparametric Tester for Electrochemical Measurements: pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, concentration, solids, salinity Delta Ohm HD98569 tds orp     ROM     ENG  
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Environment Testers > DELTAOHM (60) > Multiparametric Tester for Electrochemical Measurements: pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, concentration, solids, salinity Delta Ohm HD98569


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Multiparametric Tester for Electrochemical Measurements: pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, concentration, solids, salinity Delta Ohm HD98569

Code: Delta Ohm HD98569
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 1.08 Mb)

» Technical Specs

The HD 98569 is a portable multi-parameter data logger for electrochemical measures: pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and temperature. It is fitted with a large back-lighted LCD display.

The instrument measures:
• pH, mV, redox potential (ORP) with pH, redox or combined pH/temperature electrodes complete with SICRAM module
• conductivity, resistivity in liquids, total dissolved solids (TDS), and salinity with combined 4-ring and 2-ring conductivity and temperature probes with SICRAM module.
• Concentration of dissolved oxygen in liquids (in mg/l), saturation index (in %) using SICRAM combined probes of polarographic type with two or three electrodes and integrated temperature sensor.
The instrument ifs fitted with input for the measurement of temperature with Pt100 immersion, penetration or contact probes with SICRAM module.
• The pH electrode calibration can be carried out on one or five points and the calibration sequence can be chosen from a list of 8 buffers. Temperature compensation can be automatic or manual.
• The conductivity probe calibration can be performed with automatically detected conductivity calibration solutions: 147μS/cm, 1413μS/cm, 12880μS/cm, 111800μS/cm or manually with calibration solutions having different values.
• The dissolved oxygen probe's quick calibration function guarantees long-term correctness of the performed measurements.
• pH, conductivity dissolved oxygen and temperature probes fitted with SICRAM module can store factory and calibration data inside.

The HD 98569 is a data logger, it stores up to 200 single screens (labels) and up to 9000 samples in continuous storage mode: pH or mV, conductivity or resistivity or TDS or salinity,
concentration of dissolved oxygen and saturation index and temperature. The data can be transferred from the instrument connected to a PC via the multi-standard RS232C serial port and USB 2.0-1.1. The instruments equipped with HD22BT Bluetooth option can transfer the data without any connection to a PC fitted with USB/Bluetooth converter HD USBKL1, or to the printer HD40.2 with Bluetooth interface or to a PC with Bluetooth input. The serial connection RS232C can be used for direct printing of labels with a 24 column printer (HD40.1 or HD40.2).
The software DeltaLog11 (vers. 2.0 and subsequent ones) allows instrument management and configuration, and data processing on PC.


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Product: Multiparametric Tester for Electrochemical Measurements: pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, concentration, solids, salinity Delta Ohm HD98569 tds orp