Mini MPS (Modular Production System) ED-9160     ROM     ENG  
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Oscilloscopes > 05.07 (208) > Mini MPS (Modular Production System) ED-9160


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Mini MPS (Modular Production System) ED-9160

Code: ED-9160

» Technical Specs


  • Principle of parts control and element supply movement principle
  • Work detection using various sensors and sensor characteristic control
  • Principle of the training Kit’s apparatus and application
  • Operation of control elements using pneumatic components and electrical motor
  • Control of the USB Interface



  • Organization of various control elements in complexity for applied technology                  
  • Total of 6 processes comprising supply, Sensor, Stopper, Absorption & Transfer, Conveyor and Loading
  • Built-in control elements covering mechanics, electricity, and electronics
  • Control circuit for simple and high speed data transmission in the USB type

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Product: Mini MPS (Modular Production System) ED-9160