High Precision Programmable DC Power Supply Maynuo M66 microamper mobile testing

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Power Supplies > BK PRECISION (9) > High Precision Programmable DC Power Supply Maynuo M66


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High Precision Programmable DC Power Supply Maynuo M66

Code: Maynuo M66

» Technical Specs

  • Design with two scales output (1.000000A , 100.0000mA)
  • Low instantaneous voltage drop
  • Program control output response compensation
  • High-luminance VFD screen with two lines & four channels display
  • Intellegent fan system fan will be automatically initiated according to the temperature
  • Automatic test function and multidata storage
  • High resolution and accuracy(0.1mV/0.01mA)
  • High speed rising edge and falling edge setting(50uS)
  • Ammeter measurement function
  • Remote voltage sensing to compensate for the effect of voltage drop in wires
  • Four-quadrant power supply provides any-polarity voltage and current
  • Power-on-selt-test, software calibration and standard rcak mount
  • Designed as a simple eletronic load and supports inndependent programming to complete battery charging and discharging
  • Cell phone battery charging and discharging circuit simulation tests
  • Communication mode: RS232/RS485/USB

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Product: High Precision Programmable DC Power Supply Maynuo M66 microamper mobile testing