DC Power Supply Mainframe Unit for Hameg 8000 Series HM8001-2

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Power Supplies > Hameg (8) > DC Power Supply Mainframe Unit for Hameg 8000 Series


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DC Power Supply Mainframe Unit for Hameg 8000 Series

Code: Hameg HM8001-2
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.29 Mb)

» Technical Specs

  • Basic Unit for Modules of the Modular System Series 8000 
  • Power Supply for 2 Modules 
  • DC Voltages electronically regulated, floating and short-circuit proof 
  • Power Transformer with thermal Fuse 
  • Up to 5 Mainframes can be stacked 
  • Module HM800 for customized Instrument Construction available 
  • 4 BNC Connectors on the Rear Panel of the HM8001-2 (Option HO801) provide for Signal Transmission to or from HM8021-4 and HM8030-6 Modules

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Product: DC Power Supply Mainframe Unit for Hameg 8000 Series HM8001-2