CATV/ SMATV Coaxial Cable Test Signal Generator 5..2150 MHz Promax RP-110 television     ROM     ENG  
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Video Generators > PROMAX (13) > CATV/ SMATV Coaxial Cable Test Signal Generator 5..2150 MHz Promax RP-110


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CATV/ SMATV Coaxial Cable Test Signal Generator 5..2150 MHz Promax RP-110

Code: Promax RP-110
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.2 Mb)

» Technical Specs

The RP-110 is a test signal generator to certificate coaxial cable in all the bands used for coaxial cable: CATV and SMATV.

It provides of six pilots of frequency and level selectable by the user.

  • Output level independent for each pilot and variable from 80 to 110 dBuV in steps of 1 dB (for P4: from 83 to 110 dBµV)
  • 8 preset memories for the six pilot signals.
  • Frequency resolution: 25 kHz.
  • User interface in several languages.
  • USB to PC connection for firmware updating and to configure frequencies and levels.


P1: from 5.00 MHz to 10.00 MHz
P2: from 55.00 MHz to 100.00 MHz
P3: from 460.00 MHz to 540 MHz
P4: from 800.00 MHz to 1000.00 MHz
P5: from 1450.00 MHz to 1750 MHz
P6: from 1850.00 MHz to 2150.00 MHz




P1, P2


(Downstream CATV and UHF)

P2, P3, P4



P4, P5, P6


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Product: CATV/ SMATV Coaxial Cable Test Signal Generator 5..2150 MHz Promax RP-110 television